 DYSFUNKTIONAL FAMILY (2003). George Gallo, who directed Eddie Griffin in the intermittently amusing Double Take, puts the comedian center stage in a one-man show modeled on Richard Pryor's concert films and Eddie Murphy's Raw. Griffin isn't untalented, but he's not quite ready to carry the concert-film gig. His material, like Murphy's, is raunchy and not nearly as edgy as he thinks it is. And he's mired in predictable posturing, with extended riffs on "pussy" and homophobic paeans to gay men. Gallo cuts documentary-style footage with the stand-up, and that makes for entertaining stuff: Griffin visits his Kansas City high school, where he first began performing, and there are interviews with members of the his clan, including one uncle who is a reformed drug addict and pimp and another with a penchant for porn. Griffin's gags about his family often mirror footage of the folks themselves, and frequent shots of his mother and other family members in the audience offer a glimpse into their dueling discomfort and pride, but after Gallo's umpteenth cut to the crowd, the routine wears thin, just like Griffin's. (80m)
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